May 6th, 2024

Deciphering Preferences with the Sign Test

By Josephine Santos · 7 min read

In Research, the Sign Test is used to test the null hypothesis that the median of a distribution is equal to some value


In the realm of statistical analysis, the Sign test stands out as a non-parametric method used to determine if two groups are equally sized. This test is particularly useful when dealing with dependent samples ordered in pairs and is based on the direction of the plus and minus signs of the observation, rather than their numerical magnitude. It's also known as the binomial sign test, with a probability (p) of 0.5. Despite being considered a weaker test because it doesn't measure the pair difference, the Sign test is a valuable tool in certain scenarios.

Understanding the Sign Test

The Sign test is used in situations where dependent samples are ordered in pairs, and the bivariate random variables are mutually independent. It's a method that focuses on the direction of the plus and minus signs of the observation. For instance, it can be used to determine which product, Pepsi or Coke, is preferred among a group of 10 consumers.

Assumptions of the Sign Test

     1. Data Distribution: Being a non-parametric test, it doesn't assume that the data is normally distributed.

     2. Two Sample: The data should come from two samples, which may differ.

     3. Dependent Sample: The samples should be paired or matched, also known as ‘before-after’ samples.

Types of Sign Test

1. One Sample: Hypotheses are set up so that + and – signs are the values of random variables having equal size.

2. Paired Sample: Also an alternative to the paired t-test, this test uses the + and – signs in paired sample tests or in before-after studies.

Procedure of the Sign Test

1. Calculate the + and – signs for the given distribution. Put a + sign for a value greater than the mean value, and put a – sign for a value less than the mean value. Put 0 as the value is equal to the mean value; pairs with 0 as the mean value are considered ties.

2. Denote the total number of signs by ‘n’ and the number of less frequent signs by ‘S.’

3. Obtain the critical value (K) at a 0.05 significance level for small samples:

Sign test formula critical value (K) at a 0.05
4. Sign test in case of large sample:
Sign test in case of large sample:
Binomial distribution formula:
Binomial distribution formula:
5. Compare the value of ‘S’ with the critical value (K). If the value of S is greater than the value of K, then the null hypothesis is accepted. If the value of the S is less than the critical value of K, then the null hypothesis is accepted. In the case of large samples, S is compared with the Z value.

Implementing the Sign Test in SPSS

SPSS offers a straightforward way to conduct a Sign test:

1. Open the SPSS software and select your data.

2. Choose “nonparametric test” from the analysis menu, then “two related samples.”

3. Select your paired variables and choose the “sign test” from the available tests.

4. The result window will provide descriptive statistics, a frequency table, and test statistics for the Sign test.


The Sign test is a unique and valuable tool in the statistical arsenal, especially when dealing with non-parametric data. Its simplicity and focus on the direction of changes make it a go-to method for specific research questions. For those looking to delve deeper into data analysis and leverage the power of tools like SPSS, Julius can be an invaluable resource. With its ability to assist in data analysis and interpretation, Julius can help you unlock the full potential of the Sign test and other statistical methods, guiding you towards more accurate and insightful conclusions.

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