May 30th, 2024

Significance Tests for Multiple Dependent Samples: Friedman Test, Kendall’s W, and Cochran’s Q

By Rahul Sonwalkar · 7 min read

In research, the Friedman test is used to test for differences between groups when the dependent variable being measured is ordinal.


In statistical analysis, dealing with multiple dependent samples poses unique challenges, especially when assessing the significance of differences or agreement among these samples. Three non-parametric tests – the Friedman Test, Kendall’s W, and Cochran’s Q – are particularly useful in these scenarios. This blog explores these tests, their applications, and how tools like Julius can assist in conducting these analyses effectively.

Understanding the Friedman Test

The Friedman Test, also known as the Friedman two-way analysis of variance, is designed to test for differences across multiple dependent samples. It's particularly useful when the normal distribution assumption is not met. The test compares the ranks of the scores across the different conditions, rather than the scores themselves.

- Application: For instance, in medical research, the Friedman Test can compare the effects of different treatments across the same group of patients.

- SPSS Implementation: In SPSS, the test is conducted under “Nonparametric Tests” and then “K Related Samples.”

- Formula: The Friedman test statistic is approximately distributed as chi-square with (k – 1) degrees of freedom, where 'k' is the number of groups or conditions.

The Friedman test statistic for more than two dependent samples is given by the formula:
Friedman Test formula

Kendall’s W Test: Assessing Agreement

Kendall’s W, a normalization of the Friedman statistic, measures the degree of agreement among raters or conditions. It ranges from 0 (no agreement) to 1 (complete agreement).

- Use Case: This test is ideal in situations like market research where the agreement level among different focus groups on product preferences is being assessed.

- SPSS Procedure: Similar to the Friedman Test, Kendall’s W is accessed through “Nonparametric Tests” in the statistical software SPSS.

Cochran’s Q Test: Comparing Binary Outcomes

Cochran’s Q test is used to determine if the proportion of a particular outcome is consistent across multiple dependent samples. It's an extension of the McNemar test and is suitable for binary outcomes.

     - Example: In clinical trials, Cochran’s Q can test if the response to a treatment is consistent across different time points or conditions.

     - SPSS Steps: Conducted under “Nonparametric Tests” and “K Related Samples” in SPSS, similar to the other two tests.

Assumptions of These Tests

     - Random Sampling: All three tests assume that the samples are randomly selected.

     - Non-Parametric Nature: They do not require the data to be normally distributed.

     - Multiple Dependent Samples: These tests are designed to handle situations where there are multiple dependent samples.

How Julius Can Assist

Julius, an advanced analytical tool, can significantly enhance the process of conducting these tests:

- Automated Calculations: Julius can perform complex calculations required for these tests, ensuring accuracy and saving time.

- Data Preparation: It assists in organizing and preparing data for analysis, crucial for non-parametric tests.

- Interpretation of Results: Julius provides clear interpretations of test outcomes, helping in understanding the implications of the findings.

- Visualization: It offers visual representations of the data and results, making it easier to communicate and understand the patterns and agreements among the samples.


The Friedman Test, Kendall’s W, and Cochran’s Q are essential tools in the arsenal of statistical analysis for multiple dependent samples. Understanding when and how to use these tests is crucial for researchers dealing with non-normally distributed data or seeking to understand agreement or consistency across different conditions or groups. Tools like Julius can provide invaluable assistance, making these complex analyses more accessible and insightful. By leveraging these tests, researchers and analysts can uncover deeper insights and make more informed decisions based on their data.

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